Grace Church Update on the Coronavirus
Below is a letter from Senior Pastor Jonathan addressing current precautions we as Grace Church are taking regarding the Coronavirus…
Grace Church Update on the Coronavirus - 3/11/20
On Wednesday the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19, commonly known as the coronavirus, a pandemic. This means the virus is spreading faster than the containment efforts. I wanted to inform you about a few changes we are making in preparation for when the coronavirus starts to spread in Dallas (it looks like this is an issue of when instead of if.)
First and foremost, we need to be reminded that God is with us in the midst of pandemics, sickness, and illness. Jesus regularly met with, ate with and through touch healed the sick. I am reminding us of this not as an invitation to take our health lightly but to proclaim the providence and goodness of God. Let’s be wise but not fearful. Those individuals who are suffering from the effects of this virus deserve our love and support.
One of the ways we can be wise concerning the coronavirus is to take seriously how easily it spreads and how devastating it can be to the elderly and to the already ill. Many of our parishioners fit those categories, so the precautions we are going to undertake are taken not out of fear but out of love for our congregation.
During our passing of the peace in worship I encourage you to make signs of peace, bump elbows, and to avoid handshakes. I hate writing that, and as someone who is quick to hug and shake hands it will be difficult for me, but I also recognize that this virus targets many of the people I love the most.
We are going to switch to wafers served with tongs during communion, and instead of kneeling at the railing we will be standing.
If you are feeling sick then please stay home and prioritize your health and the health of your neighbor. We would love for you to join us on our live streaming service that can be accessed through our website here - If you have a chronic health condition then the live stream is an excellent option. Please release yourself from the guilt of not being physically present at worship. God is in your home as well as in our beautiful church.
Finally, we have hand sanitizer at each entrance to the Sanctuary and in the parlor. Please use it.
For more info on the COVID-19 coronavirus please visit the websites of the Center for Disease Control, and the Dallas County Health Department,
Once again, we are called to be a people of faith, not fear. We are called to love and serve the sick and the poor. In these fearful and uncertain times let us be a witness to the love and peace of Christ Jesus.
Grace and Peace, Rev. Jonathan Grace