The Leadership Board acts as the board of directors of Grace. The committee includes 9 people from the congregation handling finance, trustees, marketing duties and staff parish relations, as well as our Senior and Associate Pastors, Lay Leader, Conference Representative and Grace members nominated for several at-large positions. Our charge is to envision, plan, implement and annually evaluate the missions and ministries of Grace. We meet quarterly and all Grace members are encouraged to attend these meetings. The Leadership Board makes final decisions on budgets and financial plans as submitted by the Finance Sub-Committee, hiring and salaries recommended by SPRC, Trustee Sub-Committee recommended expenditures, execution of Marketing Sub-Committee plans and other items presented by committees or other Grace members.
Chris Griffin, Board Chair & Trustees Committee Member Ed Leveille-Bonner, Trustees Committee Chair Nunda Kalondji, Trustees Committee Member Robert McWilliams, Finance Committee Chair Amy Gill, Finance Committee Member Cindy Counts, Finance Committee Member Patty Turner, SPR Committee Chair Kit Lively, SPR Committee Member Janan Cull Ott, SPR Committee Member
Nominations Valarie Englert, Chair
The Nominations Committee is responsible for recognizing the gifts and graces of our members and connecting them to opportunities to serve. Nominations invite specific people to serve on committees and work on special projects throughout the year.
Worship Dianne Dillard, Chair
The Worship Committee supports worship at Grace by planning special occasion and holiday services, decorating the sanctuary, and organizing weekly communion preparation. We meet at least quarterly on Sunday afternoons, more often during busier seasons, to discuss and facilitate ways to combine our traditional worship style with our progressive congregational values and make the Grace worship experience relevant and impactful for all of our members and visitors. We are always open to new committee members and ideas about our worship services. Church members who cannot make the continuous commitment to serve on our committee are invited to serve as Communion Stewards, volunteers who aid in preparation for weekly communion for a month at a time.
Hospitality/ Welcoming
The Hospitality and Welcoming team welcomes visitors and potential members into the social life of the church. This committee makes sure people are welcomed in and are met with love and community.
Our Greeters and Ushers are the folks who welcome people into the church on Sunday morning. They are the first point of contact with visitors and therefore are the “faces” of Grace Church. Ushers help order the service and manage the flow of the church on Sundays.
Missions Chris Ozley, Chair
The Missions Committee is dedicated to matching the volunteer and financial resources of Grace UMC and its congregation with the needs of our members and community. We actively seek out places where we can be of service, and invite those who wish to be of service to participate in a meaningful way. All are invited to take part in the missions of Grace UMC!
The Homebound Committee serves church members who are homebound. This is done by taking communion to members, visiting with them and making sure they are active in the life of the church.
Board of Church and Society Don Dillard, Chair
The Board of Church and Society is engaged in the justice work of the church, leading the congregation to serve the neighborhood and the city. Members of the BCS engage in the transformation of the world through leading the church in service and justice.
Education Lennijo Henderson and Mark Petersen, Chairs
The Education Committee facilitates meaningful learning opportunities for all members of Grace church with the goal of enriching and encouraging members' discipleship journey. The committee works closely with the staff responsible for education and has, in the past, participated in planning Sunday School classes, presenting quarterly all-church educational events, and advising on issues of children's and youth education.
United Women of Faith
United Women of Faith shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
Archives Sam Hodges, Chair
The Archives Committee records the history of Grace Church and tells the story of Grace Church. The Archives Committee keeps the records of the church and explores the church's past for the sake of the church’s future.