Pentecost Sunday - May 31
Order of Worship - Pentecost Sunday, May 31
Welcome and Announcements: Adam White
Prelude: "On the Wings of a Snow White Dove” Bill Claxton and Sam Hodges
Call to Worship: Margaret Barrett
And in the last of days it shall come to pass, God declares, that I will poor out my Spirit on all flesh,
And your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old shall dream dreams, and your young shall see visions.
When the Day of Pentecost had come, they were all gathered together in one place.
And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
And there appeared to them tongues of fire, distributed and resting on each of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.
Hymn: “Spirit of Faith, Come Down” UMH #332
1. Spirit of faith, come down, reveal the things of God, and make to us the Godhead known, and witness with the blood. 'Tis thine the blood to apply and give us eyes to see, who did for every sinner die hath surely died for me.
2. No one can truly say that Jesus is the Lord, unless thou take the veil away and breathe the living Word.Then, only then, we feel our interest in his blood, and cry with joy unspeakable, "Thou art my Lord, my God!"
3. O that the world might know the all atoning Lamb! Spirit of faith, descend and show the virtue of his name; the grace which all may find, the saving power, impart, and testify to humankind, and speak in every heart.
4. Inspire the living faith (which whosoe'er receive, the witness in themselves they have and consciously believe), the faith that conquers all, and doth the mountain move, and saves whoe'er on Jesus call, and perfects them in love.
Scripture: Acts 2: 1-21 Margaret Barrett
Link to Scripture -
Sermon: “Pentecost 2020" Charles Cox
Community Prayer Requests: Adam White
Please comment via Facebook Live what prayers you have so we can pray over them later in the service
Electronic Offering: Margaret Barrett
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Offertory: "Farther Along"
Electronic Offertory Prayer: Margaret Barrett
Community Prayers: Adam White
(Praying for what was shared on FB Live.) Each petition: “Lord…” All Respond: Hear Our Prayers
Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever. Amen
Blessings and Birthdays
Joel Dillard 6/1
Henri Ayubu 6/2
Zachary Tully 6/5
Dale and Janet McEowen 06/02
Dr.. Tom & Deanie Hampton 06/04
Benediction and Words of Assurance: Charles Cox
Postlude: “Christ the Redeemer” Tim Birchwood